Sunday, June 19, 2011

and we pass it on

Abuse, betrayal, criticism, rejection.

How is it the things done to us that were hurtful and made us feel small, we so easily pass on to others.  If we were abused, we abuse others.  If we were betrayed, we betray others.  If we were consistently criticized, we criticize others.  If we were rejected, we reject others. The things that we hate the most, we do to others.

Is it because it's what we know?  Is it the only way we know how to handle life? We know the hurt and sadness it has brought to ourselves, and yet we bestow that on others knowing they will feel the same hurt we did.

After being criticized all the time as a child, why would a person not have a spirit of criticism?  After being betrayed by family or friends or lovers multiple times, how could a person know how to earn trust from someone?

What about passing on things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control?  These fruits of the Spirit are the most important values we can pass on to others!  When I love like Jesus loves, there is no abuse, no betrayal, no criticism, no rejection.  When I love like Jesus loves, there is joy and hope and LIFE!

Today I choose to love like Jesus and allow Him to take all the hurt, all the sadness.  I choose to allow Him to fill the longing and aching in my heart.  I choose to pass on the fruits of the Spirit and not the things that hurt others.

Today I choose to LIVE like Jesus and pass on the things He brought to me.

1 comment:

Clarissa Marie said...

So good.
This reminds me of the poem "Hand Me Downs":