Friday, January 28, 2011

Man Up!

I'm taking a short break from posting on Jason Illian's book.

This post is dedicated to a very special girl.  You know who you are.

So my friend and I were talking the other day and you know what guys?  We are so sick and tired of passive men.  Men who don't know what they want.  Men who don't know what they want and lead us along.

What are you afraid of?

Here's the thing.  At least for my friend and me, we're not looking to get married tomorrow.  Just because you make a commitment to date us doesn't mean you're making a lifelong commitment.  I know a lot of girls see it that way, but it's not the way it should be.  Making a commitment to date someone shouldn't be so complicated.  All it is saying is that "I'm getting to know you and only you."  In a romantic sort of way of course.  It should be serious, not just messing around, but it doesn't mean marriage.  It just means getting to know each other to see if marriage is a possibility between the two of you.

Definitely not saying it's all the guys' fault, but the more and more I talk to girls, the more I hear the frustration in their voices and in their hearts.  It's discouraging for women to be told how beautiful we are and how we have all these great godly characteristics and qualities and how much guys likes us, but they're just not sure if they wants to date yet.  Women are fragile.  We're strong, but the desire of most women is to be loved and cherished.  When you mess with our hearts and string us along, that zaps us of our energy and our faith in men.  Men who are supposed to be the leaders and protectors, but are not doing their jobs.

And no more of this in-between, "pre-dating" crap!  We're friends or we're dating!  Or we're nothing!  I don't usually take dating advice from John Mayer but here goes:

Friends, lovers or nothing
There can only be one
Friends, lovers or nothing
There'll never be an in-between, so give it up.

Finally, the dude's got something right!  I don't know about guys, but it's very hard for a woman to guard her heart during that in-between stage.  She feels like she's committed even though she's not.  Usually what happens is that she builds these rock hard walls that are impenetrable and you never get to see who she really is, or she has no defenses whatsoever and lays everything out on the table before she should.  Neither is healthy for anyone involved.

So guys, be men.  Be REAL men.  If you don't know what you want, or if you're ready to date (either a specific girl or in general), don't let her think you are.  Don't string her along.  On the other hand, if you want to get to know her, then get to know her.  You can do that without leading her on.  Talk to her, have meaningful conversations.  But don't hold her hand, don't kiss her forehead.  Don't do any of that until you're ready to say, "This girl is worth getting to know on a deeper level, and she's the only one I want to get to know right now."  Then, be bold about it.  Please, be BOLD.  Don't leave her guessing.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Swimming in Cement Shoes (Chapter 3)

...many of us are drowning in our dating lives.  Instead of cautiously wading out into the water, we have plunged right into the deep end of the dating pool and are experiencing unpredictable currents.  What we thought was going to be a safe and leisurely swim has become a life-or-death situation.

If we are honest with ourselves, most of us need little orange floaties on our arms when it comes to romance...We have trouble navigating the rough waters of life on our own much less diving in after someone else who is drowning.

Second only to accepting Christ as your Savior and Lord, choosing the right person to marry is critically important.  If you choose unwisely, the rest of your life will be like swimming with cement shoes--you'll fight and struggle and go down slowly, or you'll accept the unbearable dead weight of your partner and sink quickly.  When it comes to love and marriage, God desires nothing more than for each one of us to be equally yoked, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and physically.  And in His infinite wisdom, He has shown us how to choose a soul mate by looking for Godly Characteristics, Personal Qualities, and the infamous, indescribable X-Factor.

Great Things versus God Things (Godly Characteristics)

I had been focusing on things of earthly value and had ignored the things of eternal value.  I had been enamored with the beauty and decoration of the house, and I had paid no attention to the foundation whatsoever.  I was trying to build a marriage and a life on a shaky foundation.

...I was so in love with the idea of being in love that I ignored all the warning signs.  It wasn't until the current dragged me under that I realized I would never be able to breathe in the relationship.

Most of us have dated or are dating the wrong person.  For many believers, the only criterion for dating is whether or not he is a Christian... We don't even care if he is actually walking with the Savior; we just want him to walk into church.  That will give us enough justification for spending Friday nights making out with him.

Our choices have absolutely nothing to do with character.  They have everything to do with appearance.

If you want to have a successful relationship, it all starts with looking for Godly Characteristics... these are simply the fruit of the Spirit recorded in the book of Galatians... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  If the person you are dating doesn't exhibit all of them, not just one or two--I mean, who wants a man who is good but has no self-control?!--eject immediately!

Please don't expect the fruit to be fully developed in anybody's life...But these characteristics do need to be present in the life of a person with whom you are thinking of sharing your heart.

A good way to test whether the person you are dating is a possible mate is to put his or her name in front of each aspect of the fruit of the Spirit.  For example, Rob is loving, Rob is joyful, Rob is peaceful, Rob is patient, etc.  Unless there is an indication that there is fruit growing in every category, he is not marriage material.  Be honest with yourself.

Every person walking the face of this planet, whether they admit it or not, was designed specifically to reflect all of God's characteristics.  If they don't, it is because they choose not to, and you deserve someone better than that.

Most important, make sure that you exhibit the complete fruit of the Spirit.  If you don't, then the problem is not with the people you date, it is with you.

Perfect Imperfections (Personal Qualities)

While it is important to date someone who has unique qualities that you are attracted to, human qualities should never, ever supersede Godly Characteristics.

If you have been to a relationship conference or read any book on romance, you have been encouraged to write down all the Personal Qualities you want in a significant other.

If you have one of these Must-Have lists next to your bed or stuffed away in your Bible, I want you to take it out, walk it to the bathroom, and flush it.  Or burn it.  Or tear it into little pieces and use it as confetti.  You don't need it anymore...The list may reflect what you want, but there is a good chance that it has very little to do with what you actually need.

[God] sees what we want, but then He goes one step further to provide what we need... When we list the qualities we want in a mate, we are telling God that we know what is best for us.

Whether it is on paper or just in your head, destroy the list as quickly as possible.  The good stuff never makes the list anyway.  I like to refer to the good stuff as perfect imperfections.

Farting in your sleep.  Sneezing like a hyena.  Snorting when you laugh.  Crying at coffee commercials.  Never eating the ends of chicken tenders.  Constantly rearranging the pantry.  These are the things that make memories.  They are perfect imperfections, and you would never think about including them on a Must-Have list.  But they are the good stuff.

Relationships are often defined not by what you put into them, but by what you keep out of them.  While the qualities you need in a partner might not be so clear to you, God makes it exceptionally clear what you don't need.... A Must-Not-Have list, which should be aligned with God's principles, not your own personal preferences, will remind you that no number of great personal virtues can outweigh a few life-threatening vices.

If you overlook the wrong personal traits in your partner, you'll be wearing the most fashionable cement Nikes at the bottom of the pool.

Peanut-Butter-and-Jelly Relationships (The X-Factor)

Godly relationships are like peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches.  Each person complements the other.

When I talk about being "equally yoked" in a romantic relationship, I'm referring to the ability to complement one another and to lift one another up.

I often hear Christians say that they can't find someone who is equally yoked, suggesting that others aren't as spiritually mature or as enlightened as they are.  This attitude is arrogant and shows that the speaker has all the faith and intelligence of Spam... it is not about who is greater or lesser, but about whether or not the two of you complement one another.  Can you and your partner believe more, accomplish more, encourage more, and love more together than you can separately?

God intended for us to be equally yoked spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically.  While order is important, it is just as important that you are compatible in all four categories.

The intersection of these four attributes is hard to measure, and most of the time we simply refer to it as "chemistry" or the mysterious X-Factor.

When the infamous X-Factor is present, there will be an undeniable chemistry, and you will feel your spirit move inside of you.

The X-Factor is the place where the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical attributes intersect.  X is the Greek letter for Chi, which properly translated means "Christ."  In essence, Christ is the meeting point where the four components come together.  Romantic chemistry is ultimately determined by Christ.  His ways are mysterious and unexplainable, and you can't have real chemistry with a person unless all the essential elements end at the Savior.  Love isn't real love unless it comes from the source--God.


If you've experienced the longest losing streak since Wile E. Coyote's, maybe it is because your past relationships haven't been built upon a shared set of Godly Characteristics... Once an unshakable foundation is poured, you can decide which Personal Qualities you desire in a possible spouse... Whatever you decide it is always wise to leave room for the unexpected--the good stuff.  Because in reality, God knows our hearts better than we do and wants to bless us with a romance full of life-long memories.

A well-trained sea monkey could be taught to follow God's principles.  But if you choose to ignore them, then you'd better start searching for a lengthy snorkel and a comfortable swimsuit on eBay.  Because there is a good chance that the expectations and demands of the next person you date will drag you under faster than a pair of Titantic-labeled stilettos.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Killing Jerry (Maguire, That Is)- Chapter 2

Before Dorothy can utter a word, Jerry begins to pour out his heart..."You complete me."

...his identity as a human being is attached to their relationship.

We have come to believe that it takes the love of another human being to fulfill us, to make us complete...Our hearts long for something permanent, but since we are surrounded with temporary relationships, we have become frustrated and desperate.

Some of us feel a deep, internal ache when we are alone on Friday nights.  Others are distracted by a gentle whisper during the work week... Even in a crowded room we often feel alone.

Blaise Pascal: "There is a God-shaped void in the heart of man which can not be filled by anything except God."

Anything less than the patient, kind, unselfish, humble, forgiving, unconditional love of God will not suffice.

The love-shaped void in your life is meant to be filled with God.  It is upon God's perfect love that romantic love is built.

We are not comfortable in our own skin.  If we were, we wouldn't be so eager to find our soul mates.

Romantic relationships don't complete you--they reveal you.  Like a mirror of your soul, your partner will reflect all the good and bad traits you already possess.

Being single is not a disease and marriage certainly isn't the cure...Marriage will simply magnify the problems that already exist.

Staying Put

If we would just be still, love would find us.  Love always finds us.  That is the very essence of true, unconditional love.

"Staying put"... is about listening to the echo of emptiness within, learning the essence of true, sacrificial, 'til-death-do-us-part love, and applying it to our everyday relationships.

The most frustrating thing about being lost is that being found is not in your control...When you are lost, you don't get to determine how long you have to remain still before love comes for you.

The challenge is that being still is about being actively still, not passively moving...Many of us are just passively moving, driving through life at 100 mph with our head out the window...Instead of stopping and trying to make sense of it all, we change directions, change partners, change seats, and change cars.  If we would just change our focus, God would change our circumstances.

God is in the search-and-rescue business.  When you stay put, He will search your soul and rescue your heart.

Is Love a Choice?

Is love a magical moment, completely out of our control, or is love a conscious choice, something within our grasp?

Real, unconditional, red-hot, romantic, godly love is always a choice.  And you have to choose it every day.  When you talk to a couple who has been married for twenty-five years and they are still lovey-dovey with one another, it is because they have chosen to be intimately involved in all aspects of one another's life.

Love is not a feeling--it is a commitment.  Love is not an emotion--it is a choice.  Love is not a frilly sentiment or a flippant attitude.  It is the unselfish sacrifice of desire, the triumphant procession of hope, and the eternal stronghold of faith...

Guard Your Heart

...Is your heart more like the Palace or the brothel?

Many of us don't shield our hearts because, deep down, we don't believe there is anything worth protecting...we conclude that we have stepped over the lien and out-sinned God's grace.  But it is a fallacy to believe that you are unworthy of a fulfilling relationship.  You are a child of God, and your past, no matter how horrific, is not being held against you.

At the other extreme...Instead of carefully defending our hearts, we have isolated them... Instead of isolating our hearts behind impregnable barriers that admit absolutely no one, we should protect our hearts behind reasonable defenses.

C.S. Lewis: "[But] to love at all is to be vulnerable.  Love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.  If you want to be sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no on--not even to a [pet].  Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements.  Lock it up safely in the casket or the coffin of your selfishness.  But, in that casket--safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change.  It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, unredeemable." must learn to build defenses, not walls, around your heart..."stay put" until you figure out what a godly man should really look like...surround yourself with real friends who help you date.

We must learn to be thoughtfully vulnerable, not recklessly available in our dating relationships.

Your heart is something of great value.  Guard it.


A romantic relationship--no matter how passionate, spontaneous, or exciting--can never complete you.  Only God can do that.  And whether or not you develop a relationship with Christ is entirely up to you.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Completely Incomplete (Chapter 1)

I am not going to put every quote in "quotes."

We began to believe that dating was just a training ground for divorce.  We had to have either a satisfying relationship with Christ or a romantic relationship with a significant other.  But we couldn't have both.

Our God isn't an either/or God.  He is a God of both/and.  He desires for you to have an intimate relationship with Him and a romantic relationship with another.

You can be madly in love with another because you are madly loved by God.  You can have both.

Successful couples never stop dating...

Dating is the training ground for loving, and when it is based on Christ-centered principles, you develop a fantastic, satisfying and... sexually fulfilling relationship that glorifies God.

There are many ways to fill a life, but there are relatively few ways to fulfill it.

Feelin' a Little Dissed

...I think it's fair to say that we've been "dissed" when it comes to finding love.  There has been disappointment and disillusionment.  We feel distance and disbelief.  We are discouraged and dissatisfied.  Our hearts have been utterly dismantled.  We have been fooled into playing a game of musical chairs where the music is Jaws and the chairs are already full.

The love that I speak of is a "re" love.  It wants you to return to the time when your heart was tender and your thoughts were pure.  It wants to restore the dreams of Prince Charming, sale-priced stilettos, fat-free chocolate bars, daily spa treatments, and engagement rings the size of large foreign fruit.  It wants to renew your faith in a love that will last forever... It wants you to receive all the things you've ever wanted but never had.

We have to stop believing that our friends have all the answers and that God has none.

It's Not about You

...if your focus is on what you can get out of a relationship, you are doomed to failure.

A successful relationship is not about you.

..."self" is the mortal enemy of love.  Self-satisfaction, self-gratification, and self-indulgence all lead to one undeniable outcome-- self-destruction.

Have you noticed that the only common element in every single one of your failed relationships is you?  Surrender.  Get yourself out of the way.  Let God do what He does best.

The problem is that when we focus on ourselves, we cannot possibly want what is best for someone else.  We may want what is best for them as long it aligns with our own personal happiness, but we won't want what is best for them if it conflicts with our desires.  This isn't love--this is self-interest masquerading as mutual edification.

Common sense will give you common results.  Heavenly logic is selfless.  If you want to receive, give; if you want to lead, serve; if you want to stand tall, kneel down; if you want to be loved, love.

The Fun Nazi

We perceive Christianity to be a list of rights and wrongs, dos and don'ts, cans and can'ts, haves and have nots, especially when it comes to relationships.  And let's be honest, nobody likes rules.  We thoroughly enjoy our freedom and we like having our choices.

Jesus taught us what it meant to be blessed... To be blessed is to experience abundant hope and joy...experience happiness at the deepest level, a place where the heart and soul smile.

...God isn't in the business of squelching your passions.  He is in the business of fulfilling them.

Colossians 2:23 "Such regulations have the appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lay lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence."

Fenced In and Set Free

...the fence was there to keep all the terrible things out...The fence is tall and sturdy, and He has given us plenty of room to date, build relationships, and discover our passions...the fence is for our safety and protection.


Love isn't about undressing our bodies--it is about undressing our hearts.  We have to strip off the layers of expectations, preconceived notions, and fears to experience a passion that will truly move us.  When we do, God is free to clothe us with a love that warms our souls and hearts.

Undressed: the Naked Truth About Love, Sex, and Dating

I'm so NOT into relationship books.  I read a few in high school, but they seemed to all say the same, especially the Christian books.  You shouldn't "date," you should "court."  You shouldn't hold hands, hug, let alone kiss.  Always stay in groups.  Never be alone together.  I understand the purpose behind those things, but those are so many rules that we Christians put on ourselves that I haven't seen in Scripture!  And let's be honest: dating is different now than it was in the days of the Bible!  Does that mean we should go around sleeping with whomever we want?  No way!  Scripture IS clear about one thing in relationships: PURITY.  But God doesn't say how far is "too far" except that intercourse should happen only within the context of marriage.  But what is too far before that?

Don't get me wrong.  I don't have a problem with the boundaries you've set for yourself.  You know what you need.  It's when you are imposing your convictions or preferences on others when it's not something God has laid out.

When my brother-in-law gave me this book to read, I was hesitant.  My thought was "Oh great, another married Christian man telling me to 'Kiss Dating Goodbye.'"  How wrong I was!  Jason Illian is a fantastically refreshing writer.  He's funny and creative and best of all honest and liberating!  He speaks truth and he really made me realize how much freedom we as Christians really do have in our relationships.

I have decided to blog about each chapter in his book and there will be a lot of quotes from them as well.  I'd love for you to read this book and leave your comments as I post the blogs!

"Love is about people who at one and the same time can be both cruel and compassionate, barbaric and beautiful, sinners and saints, full of hope and full of despair.  In other words, it is about us."  -Jason Illian